1Model of a mountain/山体模型 回忆要点:这次考到了一道多选题,然后是有图的,大概说的是一帮科学家,做了一个模拟山体滑坡的模型,然后他们去模拟当压力累积到多少之后这个山体可能会坍塌,图就是他们做的那个模型的图,好多○堆积成的一个山体模型。问题就是问你他们做的研究中都包括了哪些内容。选项实在回忆不起来了,个人感觉不是很简单,我的建议就是大家考试的时候遇到这题的 话,看到一个自己觉得对的就选了吧,别在这道题上浪费太多时间。 2Medical research/医学研究 回忆要点:讲新的和旧的医学研究 药物什么的 答案里面有一个选项是旧的方法过时了还是啥的 3Cycling/骑自行车 暂无文本内容,大神们快来完善。 回忆要点:考到一题关于cycling,把骑自行车的人的心情状态之类的与其他交通工具的人对比,然后下半部分还有一些机构调查数据 问文章主旨 选项:阅读82 所以不能保证对的 1.cycling have many benefits 在不同的方面(我选了,文章有说骑自行车的人更加快乐,可以更好的control life) 2.骑自行车的人better performance 工作中(这个我比较纠结,感觉文章里面 没有直接提到工作表现更好) 3. 骑自行的人可以better control life(类似这个意思 我选了) more people driving to work(数据就是调查各种人上班交通工具的比例 我记得开车的人最多 好像有60% 骑自行车的人%最少,但是我没选这个,应为文章主旨不是强调使用交通工具的%) 5.骑自行车上班的人最少(同上 虽然对的 但我也没选) 4Electronic buses/电动巴士 考到一个新能源公交车的题:electronic buses, 提到两个公司,公司1占有市场份额的60%,第二个公司blabla……然后是government 购买这种bus to be environmentally friendly,选项还挺确定的 选1: 政府为了环保购买这种bus 选2: 公司1的market share大于公司2 (虽然文章中没明确提到,但是公司1占有了60% 的市场份额,所以marketing share 肯定高于公司2嘛) 5Music/音乐 回忆要点:讲music对店铺的影响 然后research 关于不好的影响 interview了一些人,有的人说他们听到音乐会不自觉跳舞,有的人说音乐的品味针对某一类人群,他们会更快的离开店铺,最后一段还有讲到音量的大小 选项有: 1. 音乐会让人们留在店铺 2.音乐会让人们更快离开 3.音乐会让人们unconscious movement 4.音量… 6Jails/监狱 回忆要点:今天考到了一篇讲关于监狱的文章 密密麻麻的数字啊,大体上是关于有百分之多少的囚犯是因为什么罪被关的,有百分之多少的关多久………然后选项的话,基本上就是错误的选项,都是把数字偷换概念了,这题用排除法做很快,印象里第二和最后一个选项是对的,本人小白不知道选项每场考试会不会换,88分阅读感觉自己应该选对了 7The young/年轻人 #4965 2018-09 回忆要点:考了这个 只选了young don’t pay much tax. 文章里说的是young rarely use the health system. 选项 young don’t have many health problems . Young don’t care about their health 不知道该选哪个 文章就简单得说他们很少用 最后就只选了一个答案 8Snow melt/雪融化 回忆要点:考到climate change导致雪融化(snow melt),还导致了越来越多的forest fire。 1993-2003多了7次森林火灾。 选项选了1. Climate change causes snow melt; 2. More forest fire during 1993-2003 干扰项有:森林火灾的温度上升,雪融化使climate change之类的。 求核对答案。 9Origins of hospital/医院的起源 #4837 2018-09 回忆要点:讲19世纪初在欧洲的医院起源。 主要是教堂先设立了医院,但是当时的医院和现在医院目的功能不一样,当时的医院是给人提供care 和comfort, 而不是治愈病人,。 并且真正的病人,尤其是传染病病人是不被当时医院接收的。我选了两个1.19世纪初中期的医院和现在的医院不一样。2.当时的医院不接收病人。第二个选项不知道会不会说的太绝对了,不是非常 确定 10Transparency/透明杯子 回忆要点: transparency和一个单词的研究 文章内容讲 一个玻璃杯 一个马克杯 我们可以看见玻璃杯里有什么 但是马克杯装咖啡是我们自己想象的 选项 1 transparency 和那个单词是同一个东西 2 transparency和那个单词不是一个东西 之后的忘了 11Research about light/牛顿对光的研究 回忆要点:牛顿光的研究 内容是 1. 发现光是直线的 2 发现光穿过水或什么会折射 3 忘记 选项 我选了 1 光是直线的 2 光穿过Solid material 会折射 选项还有3 光在穿过介质时候速度会改变 12Dennett/丹尼特 Dennett recognizes that all human minds are shaped not only by natural selection but by enormous cultural influenced which effectively redesign our minds. He invites us to think of the conscious mind as consisting of those mental contents that win in competition against other mental contents in the battle for control of behavior. What we are is the “organization of all the competitive activity between a host of competences” that our bodies have developed. Consciousness is defined by what a mind can do – whether it can concentrate, be distracted, recall earlier events, keep track of a number of things at once etc. Dennett urges us to resist the temptation to imagine animals as accompanying their clever activities with streams of reflective consciousness as we would. We may not know that they do not, but we certainly cannot assume that they do. He notes that the more we learn about clever activities in animals and how they are accomplished, the less the processes in their brains seem to resemble the thoughts we imagined were doing the work. Our minds are shaped by natural selection. Our conscious mind tries to control our behaviors. Our minds are not shaped by cultural influences. Animals make decisions based on their conscious minds. A mind cannot concentrate or cannot be distracted. 13America and Canada/美国与加拿大 回忆要点:有提到加拿大美国经济blabla 有个选项很tricky说 北美都xxxx 这个是迷惑选项,因为加拿大:heavy_plus_sign:美国 不等于 北美。 143D Printing/三维打印 With the help of their latest invention in science – a 3D printer, researchers managed to create the exact copy of a man's thumb bones. The device can now be used to help surgeons restore damaged bones by creating their precise copies, which are made from the patient's cells. The new method implies a number of steps. Initially, it is important to have a 3D image of the bone that is going to be copied. In case the bone has been damaged, one can create a mirror image of the bone's intact twin. Afterwards the picture of the bone is inserted into a 3D inject printer that puts thin layers of a material (selected beforehand) on top of one another till the 3D object shows up. After successfully replicating a bone, the copy itself features small pores on its "scaffolds". This is where bone cells can eventually settle, grow and then completely displace the biodegradable scaffold. Scientists removed CD117 cells from bone marrow that remained after hip-replacement surgical operations. These cells develop into primordial bone cells, also known as osteoblasts. The latter were syringed on top of the bone scaffolds in a gel that was created to nourish the CD117 cells as well as support them. In the final step, scientists sew scaffolds under the skin on the backs of laboratory mice. After 15 weeks the scaffold had turned into human bone. 回忆要点: 回忆1.现在有种可以3d打印骨骼的。比如如果一个thumb受损/缺失/变形,可以利用另一个来建立一个mirror过来的3d image,用来3d打印需要重建的骨骼。或者也可以用DNA分析来建立所需的3d image(大概这个意思)。 3d打印机是先打出 一个scaffold,之后细胞可以慢慢replace 这个框架scaffold。 3d打印机里面load的是xx,xx和xx化学物质,这些物质是从人 体中自然存在的,可以帮助一些事情(抱歉,这忘记了,不过不重要)。记得的几个选项: 1、3d打印机可以打印3d image -显然错的不选,是要先建立3d image,打印机再依据它来打印scaffold。 2、打印机打的scaffold是biodegradable。这个不确定。 3、打印机里的ink是自然存在的化学物质。我选了这个。 其他两个忘了。 回忆2. 我选了: 可以use one’s one cell 的选项 还选了: 有 mirror image 的那个选项 别的干扰不记得了,都忘记题主说的biodegradable是哪个选项了,我这题不会做,看到选项都挺对的 = = 晕,大家看到选项自己斟酌吧 15Exercise/运动量 回忆要点:澳大利亚海外人和本地人的每天运动量,有一个按照age group分的柱状图。选择了2项:有一半的澳大利亚的65岁以上的人还在运动;25-30(?这个数记不清了,反正是柱子最高的那个)年龄段的的运动人数最大。不确定答案,仅供参考 16Cross-culture/交叉文化 #4350 2018-07 回忆要点:文章很长,总共4段。 前面讲派员工去不同的国家 to develop their cross-culture competence。后面2段说某科学家的观点。 问: 这个科学家的观点是什么? 选: Workers have deeper understanding of their own languages can better deal with other cultures. 另一个肯定正确的选项忘记了 干扰: Workers find it’s hard to distinguish adopted culture and adapted culture. (文章提到 Workers should adapt to other cultures 而不是 merely adopt to them,但没有说 hard to distinguish) 干扰: Workers have little understanding on their own culture. 干扰: Workers have varying views on their own culture. 17IQ Test/智商测试 回忆要点:考了一题说学生5%做了IQ测试 结果发现其实他们不是很聪明 就是一般学生 但是期末考试结果他们最好 说明老师对带学生的态度直接影响学生的成绩 选择老师的态度对学生是不一样的 另外一个没太敢选 应该是5%的学生啥的 有考过的同学过来看看哈 18Snow Slide/雪崩 Now, Osvanny Ramos of the Ecole Normale Suprieure in Lyon, France, and colleagues say prediction is possible after all. They designed an experiment that induced avalanches in a two-dimensional pile of 4-millimetre-diameter steel beads. They placed a 60-centimetre row of randomly spaced beads between two parallel, vertical glass plates 4.5 millimetres apart, with the beads glued to the bottom to simulate the ground under a natural pile. Then they dropped in one bead at a time, creating piles of up to 55,000 beads. After each drop, the team photographed the pile and measured the position of each bead to calculate the "space factor" - a measure of the disorder in the system, which was related to the space surrounding each bead (see diagram). The greater the disorder round a bead, the more likely an avalanche was. If one or more beads moved when a new bead fell on the pile, that was considered to be an avalanche. An extra-large avalanche involved between 317 and 1000 beads. The researchers found that if the space factor before a bead dropped was greater than it had been 50 steps earlier, they could predict an extra-large avalanche with 64 per cent accuracy. Ramos says that they can improve the odds by analysing more information, such as the size of the pile (Physical Review Letters, vol 102, p 078701). The work could also have important consequences for predicting earthquakes. Ramos has an inkling why forecasting earthquakes is so difficult: seismologist tend to use information about the time and size of events, known as a time series. However, Ramos found that this didn't help predict the next big avalanche. "When seismologists try to predict earthquakes, they analyse the time series," he says. He argues that they would have more success analysing data analogous to the internal disorder in the pile of beads. Space factor is related to the space around each bead, and the greater disorder indicates a higher possibility of avalanche. The greater the disorder around a bead, the less likely an avalanche was. Internal disorder analysis will lead to a more successful model. They could 100% accurately predict an extra-large avalanche based on the change in space factor of a bead. Forecasting earthquakes is easier than predicting avalanche. 19Aristotle/亚里士多德 回忆要点:Aristotle开头的一篇文章,问五世纪到十六世纪的development有哪些。我选的1. strengthes and weakness更突出2.意识有变化,但主要观点没变化。 答案完全不确定 20Voting/投票 #2241 2017-12 回忆要点:Young people voting 正确选项:1. Young people don’t have too much health problems 2. 他们不是纳税大户 21A French Philosopher/一个法国哲学家 回忆:显示介绍了一个反对什么的group,第二段说这个主要group的target就是这个哲学家 错误选项: 有一个选项好像说哲学家和那个group一个立场(是相反的) 选项说EU受欢迎,但是US没人搭理(这个人在EU和US都备受追捧) 还有一个选项说这个人让一个领域变成新世界的大门(NG,不选) 正确选项: 一个选项是:这个人和爱因斯坦就time有过一次讨论,之后名誉受损 另外一个选项和原文讲的一致(关于哲学家的基本信息) 22North American Animals/北美的动物 回忆:一个北美的动物(忘了是鸭子还是什么),讲他们的habitat(范围只在水里),打猎什么东西一类的 23Mail Station/邮件总站 回忆要点:一个伦敦的旧 mail station 为什么是chosen one? 一个正确选项是因为其他的都要被拆了只有它survive下来了 24Services Industry/服务行业 回忆要点:Services industry的发展。选agriculture跟manufacturing生产力提高,还有工人生产效率提高这两个选项 25Distance Education/远程教育 远程教育的好与坏 其中一个正确选项是resources available的那个 另一个正确选项是有space的那个 26A Device/undefined 暂无文本内容,大神们快来完善。 1.pink stripes这个装置 的作用.图片是个大水鸟浮在水面 答案是1.keep birds away from boats. 2. protect them from dying 27Name/名字 西藏和尼泊尔人都以他们自己的语言命名,但是有个人非要用自己前辈的名字命名,问作者的观点,作者应该是不认同的? 28Assessment on Health Workers/对医生的评估 只记得一道 是一个 assessment on health workers, 大部分医院都没达标,然后选项有很多百分比,我记得我选了大部分医 生会术前洗手还有一个不记得了 29A Device of Protecting/一个保护鸟类的装置 有一个装置为了保护一种生物这么做的结果是什么 防止鸟吃他们 防止鸟dying 30Job Training/职业培训 关于job training的几个advantages. 答案: relatively inexpensive和flexible pace 31ANZAC/澳新军团 回忆要点: 回忆1.AUS 和NZ 的军队在土耳其战争中,有一个答案是确定的:对澳洲现代人的value有巨大影响。 回忆2.考过,感谢所有提供回忆的同学,我总结一下他们的回答。 文章关键词是 Turkey, battle of Gallipoli, 13,000 died, ANZAC = Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, first war encounters一共6个选项 (A-F不对应选项顺序)。 肯定的选项是: A. 对澳洲人民有深远影响 value B. 士兵都互扔手榴弹 hand grenade (对应原文第一段 back and forth,因为ANZAC离攻 击的地方足够近) 不确定的选项是: C. 他们在挖工事 tunnel 的过程中起了很多人 (文章中提到单词 xxhill,不确定是否对应挖工事) 确定错误的选项是: D. 死了13,000 土耳其人 E. 这些站死的军人从别的战役过来 F. ANZAC 侵占了土耳其 32Understanding of education/教育的认识 The article tells the story of an organization in an area of several schools for students survey about the understanding of the education. 答案:1. They asked students some questions on their awareness of education; 2. The students are not aware of xxx. 33Company culture/公司文化 公司上层对于不同文化背景员工的不同看法,提出的recommendations,这个话题牵涉到了不同文化背景。 答案:1. Cloths;2. Negotiations 34Globalization/全球化 回忆要点:讲的是全球化。答案: 1. unavoidable;2. Benefit for all people 35Writing/著作 #611 2017-04 有很多著名的人士都喜欢读的一本书 有一些人读这本书是为了研究远东地区 另一些人读这本书是为了制作地图 答案: 1. Study far east; 2. Map making 36Make a decision/做出决定 By the laws of probability, most decisions made under pressure should be flawed ones, yet psychologists have found that people routinely make correct judgments most of the time, even with limited information. One of Gladwell's surprising points is that we can actually learn how to make better snap judgments, in the same way that we can learn logical, deliberative thinking. But first we have to accept the idea that thinking long and hard about something does not always deliver us better results, and that the brain actually evolved to make us think on our feet. The brain is designed to enable quick decision making. Quick decision making can be improved. Quick decision making routinely leads to error. To make correct decisions we require all relevant information. Thinking things through thoroughly will lead to greater success. 37Steam Engine/蒸汽机 蒸汽机(Steam Engine)的发明。在此基础上发明了engine,什么人发明的,出于什么目的发明的等等。提到两个时间,一个是1700年,一个是1800年。 答案:1. Contribute greatly in technology; 2. 划时代的伟大发明 38Calendars/日历 回忆要点:在17世纪英国和欧洲的日历中的差距包括哪些因素? 答案: 1. Britain’s continuous use of Julian Calendar; 2.The accrual of very minor differences between the calendar used in Britain and real solar events. 3. The decree of Pope Gregory XIII. 39Mount Everest/珠穆朗玛峰 In the year 1852, a clerk rushed into the chanber of Sir Andrew Waugh, India's surveyor general, and exclaimed that a Bengali computer named Radhanath Sikhdar, working out of the Survey's Calcutta bureau, had discovered the highest mountain in the world. In 1865, nine years after Sikhdar's computations had been confirmed, Waugh bestowed the name Mount Everest on Peak XV, in honor of Sir George Everest, his predecessor as surveyor general. As it happened, Tibetans who lived to the north of the great mountain already had a more mellifluous name for it, Jomolungma, which translates to "goddess, mother of the word," and Nepalis who resided to the south called the peak Sagarmatha, ""goddess of the sky", But Waugh pointedly chose to ignore these native apellations (as well as official policy encouraging the retention of local or ancient names), and Everest was the name that stuck. 问题是,文中作者对这座山峰的起名持什么样的态度。 1. Waugh 不该以前辈的名字命名。 2. 不应该根据Tibetan和Nepail起的名字。 3.应该起名为Nepail因为坐落在Mepail。 4.不该起名叫Everest。 5.应该保持Peak XV。 答案:1和4 40Jelly Fish/水母。 回忆要点:问第二段为什么用invasion这个单词? 答案:1. 说明海蜇数量多(Vivid description of the amount of jellyfish);2. 说明海蜇很危险(Indicate the danger of the fish) 41Spain/西班牙 Here is a part of Spain's sun-baked Andalucia that is extraordinary not only because of its unspoiled terrain and authentic Spanish traditions but also because of its caves. These are not dark, damp holes, with dripping water and evil smells. They are residences, ancient Bronze Age dwellings now being refurbished for hundreds of 21st century Spaniards. In Galera, the region's most important village, it's estimated that there are at least 1,000 such habitations carved into its hillsides. We take old caves renovate them, then sell them on, says Rob Oakley, office manager of leading developer Galera enterprises. Our company was set up by someone who discovered the area of Galera when it was just a tourist attraction 15 years ago and saw its potential. The ancient abodes are transformed from rough caves into relatively luxurious homes, equipped out with amenities like electricity and sewage, phone lines, running hot water, even internet connections. Abodes Amenities Connections Dwellings Habitations Hillsides Terrain 42Industries/工业。 Industries which require more than 50% of labour. 答案:Health (选项中有 medicine的那个)和 education (选项中有 language的那个) 43Pigeons’ Homing Skill/鸽子归巢的技能 The theory that pigeons famous skill at navigation is down to iron-rich nerve cells in their beaks has been disproved by a new study published in Nature. The study shows that iron-rich cells in the pigeon beak are in fact specialised white blood cells, called macrophages. This finding, which shatters the established dogma, puts the field back on course as the search for magnetic cells continues. “The mystery of how animals detect magnetic fields has just got more mysterious” said Dr David Keays who led the study. Dr Keays continued: “We had hoped to find magnetic nerve cells, but unexpectedly we found thousands of macrophages, each filled with tiny balls of iron.” Macrophages are a type of white blood cell that play a vital role in defending against infection and re-cycling iron from red blood cells. They’re unlikely to be involved in magnetic sensing as they are not excitable cells and cannot produce electrical signals which could be registered by neurons and therefore influence the pigeon's behaviour. We employed state-of-the-art imaging techniques to visualise and map the location of iron-filled cells in the pigeon beak. 44Impressionism Painting/印象派 回忆要点:介绍impressionism painting的基础知识,举例子有Monet。 答案:其中一个选“会将history paintings进行imaginary的创作” 的这个选项,另外一个不确定。 45Culture and Business/商业与文化 回忆要点:Culture在商业及公司中的运用,说公司很早就意识到这个问题,并且员工也能很好地适应不同的文化,也在发现不同的文化当在其他国家工作的时候,公司认为有的时候他们能得到 local company的帮助。UK 的会议就是针对问题來开会,而其他国家则可能只是 discussion。最后说,商业应该与其他国家建立 Business relationship.答案: 1. Other countries use meeting for social purpose; 2. It is necessary to build up a business relationship with other countries 46Status of Women/女性地位 #600 2017-04 回忆要点:文章说19世纪后女性地位发生了变化,不像以前一样要那么多孩子,很多女的晚结婚,甚至不结婚,事业上有成就,在学校工作或者成了小说家。问19世纪后的变化是什么? 答案:1. 家庭size变小,2. 不结婚在社会上也acceptable 错误的混淆选项:结婚less popular 47Paper/纸张 #599 2017-04 回忆要点:关于 paper,说14世纪的时候,由于法律的原因,人们没法看到太多书,最后提到了文艺复兴,问题是选出这篇文章的最好总结。 48Cost of Child-raring/养育小孩成本 答案: 1. 统计部门不 data widely available;2. 人们忽视养育小孩成本 49Schools/英国岛上的学校 The Turks and Caicos Islands are a multi-island archipelago at the southern tip of the Bahamas chain, approximately 550 miles south-east of Florida. The islands are an overseas territory' of the United Kingdom although they exercise a high degree of local political autonomy. The economy of the islands rests mainly on tourism, with some contribution from offshore banking and fishing. Primary schooling is divided into eight grades, with most pupils entering at the age of four years and leaving at twelve. After two kindergarten years, Grades 1-6 are covered by a graded curriculum in maths, language, and science that increases in difficulty as pupils get older. There is little repetition and pupils are expected to progress through primary school in their age cohorts. At the end of primary schooling, pupils sit an examination that serves to stream them in the secondary setting. Primary and secondary school enrolment is virtually universal. There are a total of ten government primary schools on the Islands. Of these, seven are large enough to organize pupils into single-grade classrooms. Pupils in these schools are generally grouped by age into mixed-ability' classes. The remaining three schools, because of their small pupil numbers, operate with multigrade groupings. They serve communities with small populations whose children cannot travel to a neighboring larger primary school. Pupils in these classes span up to three grade and age groups. As far as classroom organization is concerned, the multigrade and monograde classrooms are similar in terms of the number of pupils and the general seating arrangements, with pupils in rows facing the blackboard. There is no evidence that the multigrade teachers operate in a particularly resource-poor environment in the Turks and Caicos Island. This is in contrast to studies conducted in other developing country contexts. In the last paragraph, what information can you have? 答案: 1. Multigrade 和 monograde 拥有相似的教学资源;2. 在这个地区的 multigrade 要比其他国家的好 According to the text, which of the following statements can be concluded about primary classes in the Turks and Caicos Islands? 答案:1. Multigrade classes are mostly found in smaller schools;2. Most primary pupils are in mixed-ability classes |